Hello fellow STM’rs,
Here’s a few mental crumbs for you to nibble on as you work your way through the day. You’ve heard the saying, charity starts at home, right?
Well, if we view the world as God does, then “home” is as much South Africa as it is the street where you – and I – live.
When you give to Second Table Ministries, you share this same world view: the body of Christ united and “valuing others above ourselves, not looking to our own interests but each of us to the interests of the others” (Philippians 2:3-4).
Your interest in STM shows you understand the value of service to the poor and disadvantaged people of South Africa. And this shared value binds us together in ministry to those who struggle in desperate need – but can benefit so much from the resources we have to share.
Our faith tells us that “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.” It means that God offered His love to those outside His personal inner circle.
And because He is Love itself, He cannot help but go beyond His comfort zone and offer Himself not just cross-culturally, but across the gulf between humanity and divinity.
Like you, Second Table Ministries embraces this impulse to love. We’re passionate about extending God’s love to those outside of our personal circle.
When we make the choice to believe in this kind of “reaching out” then it becomes easier to embrace the amazing truth that our lives can be part of a larger purpose: to give all people everywhere an equal opportunity . . . to help them fulfill the universal longing to be valued, respected, educated, able to care for themselves and their families.
Just another brother in Christ,